The activities will be carried out in planned dates. The coordinator is responsible for implementing and supervising the event schedule (activities).Planned minimum mobility numbers will be carried out by all participants.
The participant schools will have common tasks during the two years:
- Presentations of the museum (as an idea and an institution) to school and public; presentations of different topics related to it, such as its architecture and its surroundings, its collections, educational programs already existing, different kinds of visitors, the museum's role for the community.
- Preparing various activities, such as guided tours (given by the students), educational programs or games, happenings organized by students in the museum as well as in the area it is situated.
- The museum (and the project) presented in the local media and social network.
- Comenius corner in each school; articles in local newspapers after each project meeting; conferences in local community at the end of each year; students' impressions at the end of the project.
- Doing exhibition at the schools for pupils,parents and local communities
- Each school will host a project meeting and organize all cultural and artistic activities during the project meeting.
Specific tasks during the project:
- SPAIN: The coordinator of the project will assure an effective communication and cooperation among project partners.
- Realizing a video calling with all partner school during a week (Spain and Greece coordinating)
- SLOVENIA: Slovenian school will be responsible for designing and publishing the booklet with all material of project
- BULGARIA: Bulgarian school will be responsible for editing DVDs with material of first and second year’s work
- ROMANIA: Romanian school will be responsible for creating, launching and updating the project website/blog
- POLAND: Polish school will be responsible for designing a digital album with photos taken in different museums by pupils during the Project
- ITALY : Italian school will create calendar of the project
- TURKEY : Turkish school will be responsible for preparing Project magazine
- GREECE: Greek school will be responsible for designing and analyzing initial/final questionnaires and evaluation forms for each project meeting